Position question

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 11 years, 2 months ago.

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    if I understand well, when I want to set a hand range (Open Limp-Raise-Push) for the early position I must choose the UTG player (with 6 player left is the sixth player) right?

    Well, what about “call a push” and “call two pushes”?

    I suppose that with 6 players left, “call a push” I must set the range for the fifth player (UTG+1) and “call two pushes” I must set the range for the cutoff player right?


    Thank you…


    SitNGo Wizard

    You should always treat the UTG position as the first to act pre-flop. For the call a push range, pretend there is a 7th player who has pushed before the UTG player. For calling two pushes, pretend there are 2 players before UTG who have pushed.

    Even though the UTG range will never be used directly, it is used to determine the hand ranges of the players between UTG and CO.




    now is more clear.


    Thank you…

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